Sunlilyoga Programme
Yoga Teacher Training, in the tradition of Swami Kripalu's teachings, is very much part of what we do at Sunlilyoga. Sunlilyoga offers courses designed in accordance with standards set by the Yoga Alliance – that lead to YTT Certification. Both 200-hr and 500-hr YTT are in compliance with standards set by the Yoga Alliance – the largest international nonprofit association in the yoga community.

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training
Sunlilyoga's basic 200-Hour Certification is designed in accordance with standards set by the Yoga Alliance. The 2024/25 programme is co-ordinated and directed by Aida Neves and Gabriel McCullogh.
The 200-hour teacher training includes both a solid grounding in technical skills and the development of an empathic, intuitive approach to teaching.
The curriculum includes principles of classic yoga asanas. Learn to teach at least 28 postures, including proper alignment, essential details and pratapana. Pratapana is the methodology for warming up and conditioning the body as well as the cultivation of body awareness that is a practice unto itself.
Tools of the Sunlilyoga Approach
Guide students in developing witness consciousness and self-compassion
Distill the wisdom of yoga and find your personal physical, emotional and spiritual alignment and truth
Learn how to connect to source for creative asana sequences
Connect breath to movement for a deeper experience
Use the “press point” assisting methodology and other assists to guide students into the fullest expression of each posture for their bodies
Offer the best in experiential teaching
Skills for transformational teaching – Help students develop a heightened sense of body awareness to deepen their practice on the mat and show them how to take that awareness into their lives off the mat.
How to create inspirational, creative, experiential yoga classes – Develop skills for teaching an inspirational 1-hour or 1.5-hour yoga class. Learn how to pay proper attention to pratapana, how to motivate students and pace your class according to students’ skill levels and experience, and how to create lesson plans for a complete series of classes with progressive levels of difficulty.
Principles of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology – Focus on safety, joint movement, range of motion, and the skeletal and muscular systems.
Pranayama techniques – Enable students to experience body-mind integration through yogic breathing and teach them how to connect consciously with prana, or life force – the inherent wisdom of the body.
Relaxation and meditation methodology – Gain skills for getting yourself and your students centered, creating sacred space, and guiding students in a deeply restorative relaxation experience.
200-hour Syllabus
The required 200 hours will be allocated as follows:
110 hours – Techniques
Includes asanas (postures), pranayama, kriyas, and meditation. Hours in this category include both training in the techniques and practice thereof.
41.5 hours – Teaching Methodology
Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher and the student’s process of learning.
22.5 hours – Anatomy and Physiology
Includes both physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and astral/energy/subtle anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.)
31 hours – Philosophy | Ethics | Lifestyle
Study of the origins of yoga, yogic studies for modern times, ethics for yoga teachers,
Yamas and Niyamas, Yoga Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita.
15 hours – Practicum
Includes student teaching as well as observing and assisting classes taught by others. Hours are a combination of supervised and unsupervised.
200-hour Tuition 2024/25
Tuition: $3975.00 + 13% HST = $4491.75 – includes all handouts and unlimited attendance at all Sunlilyoga classes for the duration of the training.
Additional Costs
• Recommended books
• Cost of attending 20 classes in other yoga traditions
• Participation in a Sunlilyoga Yoga and Meditation retreat. Approximate retreat cost - $550.00 + HST
Payment Schedule
$91.75 (non-refundable) due with application
$880.00 due September 1, 2024
$880.00 due November 1, 2024
$880.00 due February 1, 2024
$880.00 due April 1, 2025
Balance ($880.00) due June 1, 2024
NOTE $100 discount if paid in full by April 1, 2024
Cancellation Policy
All paid monies will be fully refunded if course is cancelled (including $95.45 application fee). Please email application form and certification agreement to, indicating whether you wish to pay the $91.75 registration fee by personal cheque or by e-transfer. Aida will then reply to you with payment details.
200-hour YTT Schedule 2024/5
September 13-15 Friday, Saturday & Sunday
October 5-6 Saturday & Sunday
October 26-27 Saturday & Sunday
November 16-17 Saturday & Sunday
Nov 30 - Dec 1 Saturday & Sunday
January 11-12 Saturday & Sunday
February 8-9 Saturday & Sunday
March 1-2 Saturday & Sunday
March 22-23 Saturday & Sunday
April 5-6 Saturday & Sunday
April 25-27 Retreat Weekend - Promised Land
Animal Sanctuary - Campbellford, Ontario
May 3-4 Saturday & Sunday
June 7-8 Saturday & Sunday
June 21-22 Saturday & Sunday
July 12-13 Graduation weekend
Opening evening: Friday, September 14th, 6:30-9:30pm
Saturdays: 12-5
Sundays: 10-4
Retreat Weekend: Friday 6pm-Sunday 1pm (April 25-27)